Furnished Private Apartments
For area college students who want to live in their very own apartment quietly & peacefully, and NOT in traditional dorms or student housing.
Private Residential 1-BR Apartments
Starting at $6,750 for the academic year
(mid August to mid May ... or continue paying monthly rent if you stay longer)
If you need an apartment for only one semester click here to see our Apartment Suites
Our six month Residential Apartment leases continue month-to-month, fitting perfectly into the 9 month acedemic year for independent students who wish to live on their own. If you want to live in your own quiet private apartment by yourself and don't want to bother with roommates or loud neighbors, then declare your independence! We don't overcharge area college students by grouping people together and having them cram into an apartment or into a rooming-house, or have them double up in a dormroom. Here, area college students who wish to live quietly and peacefully can have their own private apartment. Think of it -- your own bedroom, your own bathroom. Not just that, but you get your own private furnished apartment in a clean, quiet & secure environment. And you don't pay for the whole semester upfront. You pay a fair monthly rent just like any normal adult. What could be better than that!
Private Furnished Apartments
Normal Monthly Rents (not per semester)
Exclusive Residential Setting
Computerized Video Security System
6 Month Lease, Then Month-To-Month (perfect for renting for a whole academic year)
Respectable Grown-up/Mature Treatment (but you must also act like a respectable adult)
Adult Full-Size Beds (not twin-size kid beds)
Ability to Stay During Vacations
Also Perfect for International Students
Professional Onsite Management
Quiet, Peaceful Living
No Parties / No Loud Music
No Drugs (ZERO tolerance policy)
Many Floorplans Available
Utilities & Basic Internet Included
70 Channel Cable Included
Security Deposit Required
Credit Cards Accepted |
As a convenience, your utilities, basic internet, and 70 channel cable are included in the rent, relieving area college students of the burden of separate utility bills. Our residential apartments are furnished with the essential furniture one would expect in order to live comfortably. As with any apartment, tenants must bring their own personal belongings such as bedsheets, pillows, electronics, television, radio, dishes, small appliances, etc. Tenants can order more cable channels and dedicated internet and phone service plans from the appropriate service providers if desired (hook-ups for these services are already wired into each apartment).
We offer area college students a wide range of quality furnished apartment choices. Please remember that these are residential apartments and not dorms nor student housing, so your neighbor may be a senior citizen or working professional. Again, this is a real apartment complex, NOT a dorm. Therefore we don't allow parties, loud music, or disruptive behavior. See our Rules & Regulations Page. The first month's rent plus a one month's security deposit are required to move in. Our leases start form the 1st of the month or from the 15th of the month. For example, if you are renting for the fall semester and need to move in around August 20th, your lease can start on August 15, and you can move in anytime on or after August 15. Rent is then due on the 15th of every month.
Clean * Quiet * Secure
All Apartments Are Furnished
Utilities & 70 Channel Cable Included
Standard 1-BR Apartments (efficiency kitchenettes) $750/month
equivalent to $6,750 for the academic year (mid August to mid May)
Deluxe 1-BR Apartments (full-size kitchens & A/C) $850/month
equivalent to $7,650 for the academic year (mid August to mid May)
Security Deposit Required * Credit Cards Accepted * Sorry, No Pets
Rent based on one-tenant occupancy & 6 month minimum rental
Click here to view the Housing Cost Comparison Chart
About Financial Aid: We charge rent on a month-to-month basis. Area college students don't have to pay thousands of dollars upfront in order to live here. We don't participate in financial aid because we don't expect you to pay for the whole semester upfront. You pay monthly rent as you would in a normal apartment, and if you are eligible for financial aid, you will be glad to know that the college will send the student loan check directly to you with the check made out to your name, or direct-deposit it into your own bank account if the college direct-deposits funds.